"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing..." -Helen Keller
Austin had a soccer game last week and I decided to take a break in my spectatorship and do some wandering. I turned off my camera's flash and assumed the role of undercover photographer. Here's what I found; I was certainly amused...
Playboy... Just another brand of clothing.
I found these randomly placed really nice couches... VIP seating anyone?
I like to call this guy "Diaperman." When he wears that thing, he doesn't need a bathroom break for the whole game...
Another shout out to the fanny pack. It doesn't matter how you wear it; just don't leave home without it!
I remember my first fanny pack like it was yesterday. (Yes, first means there was more than one.) It was pink with Mickey Mouse prints covering it. It had one main pocket, with a smaller zipper inside to hold all the valuables a four-year-old could dream of. My second fanny pack was fluorescent with my initials sewn into it. It matched my personalized fluorescent backpack. Yes, I was a child of the '90's. Admit it, you had one too. Whether it was a family vacation or a class trip, the fanny pack was a wardrobe staple.

So tonight I was at Austin's soccer game and I noticed the ref wearing a fanny pack. Now, this was not my first fanny pack sighting this week. (I've seen many, in fact, including a man wearing his slung across his body, like a satchel. Hey, when it's hot, find any way to wear it.) Yes friends, the pack is back. Or maybe, on my side of the water, it never left.